
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Internal notes for both your customers and their Customer Teams will now appear on appointments in the Company Portal calendar.
To see these notes, navigate to the calendar view and then click into an appointment to see the customer details:
There's a new filter available on both the Listings and Orders pages! Filter by
Appointment team members
to find listings or orders where a specific team member is assigned to an associated appointment.
Multiple team members can also be used to filter at the same time:
Find this option by going to either the Listings or Orders page and then clicking
'More Filters'
You can now view your customer's default Customer Team from the Edit Customer page. When a Customer Team is set as a customer's default, the
tag will display underneath the team name:
You can also change a customer's default team by clicking the menu on the right side of each row and selecting
'Set team as default'


Aryeo Go

Aryeo Go v2.12.0

Bug fixes and performance improvements. We've fixed a pesky behavior during login where the keyboard would occasionally obscure the input.
  • Customers will find a new option for "Use 24h format" in their mobile portal app settings for generating screenshots with the clock format of their choosing.
  • Added ability to create a new customer from the Edit Order page.
  • Added ability to see which team member an order was placed for on the edit order page in the customer portal.
  • Added customer team internal notes to appointments in the company portal calendar.
  • Added a clickable "Team Settings" breadcrumb to the Customer Portal's Customer User edit page.
  • Videos now show their thumbnail if added to a listing.
  • Added the ability to rearrange videos on a listing.
  • Google Tag Manager is now included on the /order URL, allowing photographers to track their customers through each stage of the ordering process.
  • Added the ability to lock listing media downloads for companies who do not use Aryeo for payments.
  • Users can no longer enter items with negative price amounts when creating a customer item on an Edit Order page.
  • Improved consistency of phone number formatting throughout the UI.
  • Improved the layout of images and floorplans in download center on mobile.
  • Fixed issue allowing archived customer team members to place orders.
  • Fixed issue where search input would not clear when resetting filters when searching Customers or Customer Teams.
  • Fixed an issue where payment reminders would not be sent to customer team members in certain scenarios.
  • Fixed an intermittent issue where a pay run item could be assigned to a different provider than was selected in the Create Pay Run Item form.
  • Fixed a bug in the order form UI where selecting "auto select customer" would immediately close the sidebar.
  • Fixed bug causing the display of multiple travel fees on order form confirmation.
  • Fixed an issue where Portal app users would see a "Log in to see your saved payment methods" alert when already considered logged in.
  • Fixed display of addresses where "0" is the street number.
  • Fixed missing pagination on customer team memberships table when more than 15 memberships exist.
We've added the ability to delete customers when those customers have no orders or listings. You'll see this option on the right side of each customer row when viewing the Customer Index Page:
In order to delete a customer, that customer must have
no orders or listings
. If a customer is associated with orders or listings and you want to delete them, you would need to first manually reassign their orders and listings to another customer from either the Edit Order or Listing page.
Learn more about how to reassign the customer on an order or listing.
We've made a few enhancements to make it easier to change the customer associated with a listing or order.
First, on the Edit Order page the 'Remove customer' action has been replaced with 'Replace customer', to ensure that orders always have an associated customer. When replacing a customer, you'll have the option to select any of that customer's Customer Teams. If the chosen Customer Team has a billing customer assigned, that billing customer will be shown on the order page as well:
Replacing a customer on the order page will also update the customer associated with the order's linked listing, and in turn update the download settings of the listing to reflect those of the new customer.
You can also replace the customer associated with the order via the listing page, by adding a new customer to a listing and then removing the old customer. When you do this, you'll see the option to reassign that listing's orders to the new customer:
  • Added a new setting to under 'Settings' -> 'Customer Teams' that can be used to prevent customers from creating new Customer Teams themselves. Use this setting if you'd like to have full control over Customer Teams within your company.
  • Updated download centers to display the name of the billing customer when payment is owed on the order.
  • Archiving a customer team membership will now cause the team to be removed as the default for that customer.
  • When new customers place an order for the first time, their starting customer team name will reflect the customer's name rather than their email address.
  • When creating a new listing or order for a customer, the customer's chosen default team will now be pre-selected.
  • The customer name and email address will now display on listings and orders in the customer portal.
  • Updated the Customer Import/Export button to accurately reflect assigned permissions. Team members with only the Import permission will now only see an Import button, and vice versa.
  • Fixed an issue causing customers to not automatically be added to a listing after they were added to the order.
  • Fixed an issue that intermittently prevented appointment time slots from loading when traffic aware booking limits were enabled on an order form.
  • Fixed an intermittent issue preventing videos from downloading in the download center
  • Fixed an issue where customers could be added twice to a listing when their selected Customer Team was changed.
  • Fixed an issue where order counts were not properly displayed on the Customers table and the Customer edit page.
  • Fixed an issue where the Customer Teams search bar was returning more teams than expected based on the input.
  • Fixed an issue where video downloads would occasionally direct to an expired link.
  • Fixed an issue where order forms would automatically scroll on mobile devices on the address step.
  • Fixed an issue where the Zapier app store title would not correctly show as enabled.
  • Fixed an issue where users could not directly add customers to Customer Teams on the Customer Edit page.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a duplicate email verification code being sent to customers after verifying their email.
  • Fixed an issue where customer team members with only draft orders associated were being archived and not removed from the team.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a customer who registered themselves being told their password was incorrect on subsequent sign-in attempts.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from logging out while navigating through an order form.
We've released an enhancement to the Pricing Plans feature that will make it much easier to assign the same pricing plan to multiple Customer Teams or customers at the same time.
To find this feature, navigate to 'Products' -> 'Pricing Plans' -> and then select 'Edit' next to a Pricing Plan that you've created. Within this page, you'll see the options to 'Apply to Customer Teams' or 'Apply to Customers':
Within each of these sections, you can see which Customer Teams and Customers a Pricing Plan has been assigned to:
You can also click 'Assign teams' to add the Pricing Plan to multiple Customer Teams at the same time:



Aryeo Portal Apps

Aryeo Portal Apps v2.12.0

Awhile back, we added new settings for configuring your portal app from the web, such as customizing the contacts section that is displayed in-app. In this release, we've fixed several bugs and closed the loop on customizable contacts!
To find this page, navigate to the 'Customer Portal' under Storefront settings, and then click 'Mobile App Settings':
: If your mobile developer accounts are in good-standing, then this version should become available as soon as Apple and Google approve it. If your developer accounts are not in good-standing, please contact your customer specialist to help you change this.
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