We've added a new enhancement to the Customer Teams feature:
Split Customer Teams.
This enhancement allows you to easily split an existing team into two teams, while preserving the original team settings on both. You can find this feature by going to Customers -> Customer Teams, and then clicking into an individual Customer Team. You'll now see a 'Split team' action in the top right corner of the screen:
After selecting the 'Split team' action, you'll be prompted to select which customers on the team you want to move to a different team. Finally, you'll be asked if you want to create a new team for these customers (in which case you'll have the option to copy over settings from the team) or add them to another existing team.
In order to get the most out of Customer Teams, we strongly recommend taking this action for any Customer Teams you still might have that have customers from different brokerages or organizations.
Learn more about customer teams: